
Out of the traditional University new campus security monitoring security system

The 1th page: current situation of construction of security system in colleges and universities

Current situation of construction of security system in colleges and universities

My University security construction development relative lag, currently most of University are have will old of simulation monitoring gradually to digital upgrade, all are believes that this is once clarity of revolution, from see was see see was Qing of revolution, but actually many people are ignored has network based of changes, and yiqian large does not same, digital monitoring using IP network environment, then its application is more diverse, monitoring as which of based, can was born out many of application, and these application not only can perfect University security, More here on the basis of day-to-day operations such as empowers in colleges and universities. So we think that "Green College, wisdom University" is the future development trend of University security systems.

Colleges and universities in the conventional sense security

Actually in long ago security of concept on has mature, but in fact is has been didn't can do "Ann", didn't can do "anti-", Ann and may wish to is universal phenomenon, because video monitoring in most situation Xia only as afterwards adjustable see of tools using, prior lack warning, thing in the cannot timely processing, this makes even University in covered with has monitoring probes, end also no since to on teachers and students of protection role, so Shanghai panoramic believes that future of a trend is, video monitoring is no longer is purely of afterwards adjustable see check, But in conjunction with front-end based on Intelligent analysis, and audio technology, intelligent early warning in advance, fast processing, efficient regulation, three persons in one, so that student safety is guaranteed, so that is the real security.

Another trend is a unified platform for the construction of the security system in colleges and universities, because the lack of unified security platform in colleges and universities, separate, which is between colleges and universities, information cannot be shared between the University and superior, campus management not enough of "wisdom", environment safe enough.

"Green University" in the construction of needs analysis

Simple operation: doorman is green University line of staff, but due to its posts nature, General are is grade larger, and for computer does not familiar of people, so dang digital era comes Shi, they is committed has difficult, because if to let doorman were see own jurisdiction regional of monitoring video, on needs distribution Shang a Taiwan computer, this let doorman were dilemma, monitoring is work, is duties, must using computer, but because lack computer knowledge, also fear own of operation improper will broke computer, so in digital era, Universal is very important to monitor,

Intelligence analysis: Intelligent analysis is in fact green in colleges and universities in the construction of a very important element, but due to technical bottleneck of traditional back-end intelligent analysis intelligent analysis of large-area dispatched have been unable to do so, so only with civil defense in colleges and universities to make up, but people cannot in the long run as efficient as mechanical, so you want to do another basis is a large area of green University dispatched intelligence.

Alarm Pavilion:

Campus people more to wide, often will has pre-surprise of contradictions occurs, students and students Zhijian, internal and external Zhijian and so on, in campus also occurs had rioted, theft, trailing girls, has bad effects of cases, but whenever event occurs Shi, traditional security system is becomes has onlookers of masses, cannot front suppression, so wants to do Green University, is bound to needs has a full efficient of alarm system.

Security incident response:

11·15 fire to Shanghai people sounded has once alarms, let people know has fire is how terrible, life is how of vulnerable and valuable, now Shanghai of University, sea is satisfied that hundred Sichuan, gathered with from all corners of of talent, gathered a church, field of students most will select live in students hostels, but because lack security consciousness, hair dryer machine, electromagnetic furnace, smoking, security hidden became has we hearts placed no fewer than of worried, because involves has students of privacy, Schools cannot really put an end to the use of these students in the dormitory, security event reflects a fast and effective mechanism is also important, because in these disasters, even if it is short 1 second can decide life and death.

2nd page: College monitor how to implement upgrades

Colleges and universities monitor how do I upgrade

University of video monitoring upgrade, involves has many aspects, due to currently most University still is in using simulation monitoring, so gradually upgrade is comparison rational of method, in upgrade process in the will encountered simulation and digital needs compatible to unified platform in the, for this Shanghai panoramic also for this design has encoding Manager, let simulation signal conversion for digital, without one-time replaces off all of monitoring camera, such on can for University of gradually upgrade provides a ease of environment. While digital monitor the scope is broader than surveillance era, so in retrofit project, the same scope of monitoring compared with simulations, using fewer cameras, fewer wires. At the same time, cutting H.264HIGHPROFILE technology can not only bring the digital bandwidth in half, for simulation is also, after using the encoder, in the case of picture quality does not change simulation of the bandwidth can be reduced to 512K from 1M-1.5M, it can be significant savings in back-end for dealing with stress, the cost of storage and maintenance costs.

Peace College "basic requirements for construction

1, practical: the system after the completion of school security and protection requirements are met;

2, reliable: adopts modern advanced technology, to the greatest extent possible to reduce system failure rate, improve system reliability and ease of maintenance;

3, advanced: the technology and equipment of the monitoring system as a whole, must represent the most advanced technological level, and there is precedent for successful implementation, has the potential for sustainable development.

4, standard: equipment selection system must conform to the relevant standards at home and abroad to ensure application compatibility, using standard interfaces, it realizes the information resource sharing.

5, compatibility: systems equipment selection should be compatible with the existing system. In particular the safe use of the access control system using campus one-card.

6 safety: ensure the security of the system itself, improve the system's ability to resist damage.

7, economy: design assurance system when subject to the equipment requires advanced technology, should attach due importance to its economy, the selection of cost-effective equipment, reducing economic costs.

University security solutions

2012 Shanghai Municipal higher education Commission issued a 3 year complete HD transforming campus monitoring guidance, HD transforming Shanghai University opened the curtain. Panoramic Digital wisdom University technical prevention actual combat platform has services six renowned universities, becoming first choice brand HD reform in colleges and universities.

Security framework solution system in colleges and universities
Manipulator operation: Shanghai panorama TV set-top box technology into surveillance, remote operation capabilities have been developed, a decoder, a monitor, becomes a good Assistant of the guard, so that they can make full use of its own resources to do their work.

Front-end intelligent analysis: Intelligent IP surveillance cameras will be the future trend, panoramic view of the smart distinctions in the back-end intelligence, before the revolutionary intelligent analysis technology to the front of the camera, and have irregular region alarm detection of powerful features. Due to the panoramic view of intelligent pressure moved forward greatly to release back-end processing, allow each camera on the road to efficient implementation of intelligent dynamic capture would not arise because the set spooler failure or delay addressing the Intelligent analysis, and that's what you can implement smart, you can mass dispatched intelligence, suitable for College smart.

3rd page: peace University is also the wisdom University

Intelligent monitoring system for critical areas can be intelligent intrusion alarm, alarm can be set arbitrary polygons, effectively prevent the occurrence of poison and food safety. Such as suspended until the next day 10:00, intrusion detection system on the specified region, once the illegal intrusion, alarm right away.

HD video linkage alarm, in University in the, teachers and students of security is heavy in the of heavy, then in front-end smart of prior warning zhihou, we needs of is thing in the processing, HD video linkage alarm is to reached this accounts, a key alarm, in monitoring room in immediately pop-up alarm phone lock bound of all screen, while support bi-directional synchronization voice, this in Donghai College has inputs real of HD video linkage alarm greatly of reduced has campus security event of occurs, fights Brawl, rioted, are was greatly of reduced.

Can any binding around the important parts of the camera

Not only can communicate via voice, while seeing alarming regional videos, respond faster

Emergency command, in campus security accident in the, clock is key, how reduced accident in the of personnel casualties, best of approach is improve reflect speed, and communication efficiency, in first time on entire scenes for command, inform teachers and students how escape, where security, where dangerous, this in traditional of monitoring in the is has been didn't can achieved of, but Shanghai panoramic of concept is "beyondsurveillance", is beyond monitoring, is will network technology, video conference technology fusion to has monitoring in the, Breaking the traditional monitoring, building real "Green University".

"Green University", but also "smart University"

Using the IP network as a basis for monitoring today, we think that monitoring is just one application, to create greater value for users is one of the panorama Shanghai research and development direction of. Looking at foreign universities, are using a new generation of teaching methods, online teaching, without leaving home, you can also enjoy the fun of University, Shanghai panoramic HD digital video technology for 13 years as a commitment to local enterprises in Shanghai, and also hope that Shanghai, as an international metropolis, you can enjoy the advanced teaching methods, research and development into the monitoring of HD content publishing system.

School is a involves has many element of local, a HD efficient of content publishing platform is useful, in weekdays it is publishing daily notification of good helper, as long as will computer and Shanghai panoramic of encoding Manager connection zhihou, computer on becomes has content publishing platform, weekdays of notification is no longer needs to posted, just to in computer Shang open image or video, on can let all screen update content, in celebration Shi, it is live broadcast, not only can school within see, once networking also can share to other school, You can share with higher authorities, so that everyone can enjoy the joy of celebration. When a State of emergency, it is emergency information publishing system, combining audio and video to convey to the school staff emergency evacuation or disaster early warning content. In the usual education, he could become the school's information bar, play school advocacy, or some knowledge, knowledge of escape, and so on.

HD distance education, distance education is popular abroad, but rare in colleges and universities in the country, and now, in order to accommodate all can experience the new era way of teaching in colleges and universities in a video conference on the basis of the design feature of distance education, breaking the original space and time constraints, so that at different times, in different locations, on the same day. Greatly improved the teaching cover, these instructional videos can also be recorded forward, providing teachers and students can look back, greatly improve the efficiency of learning.


Almost throughout the security industry has experienced three periods of change, from traditional analog cameras, back-end tape storage to evolve to the analog camera, back-end DVR to today's era of digital HD camera, the back-end network storage, security industry is now in third in revolutionary change. In such of large background Xia, many manufacturers have rise, but due to thinking of inertia, has been are no people response "green" of needs, that is "prior warning, thing in the processing, afterwards adjustable see", Shanghai panoramic as a joint venture enterprise, combination both at home and abroad of University security situation, custom of to development has many of application, cover traditional monitoring of insufficient, provides advanced of teaching way, to this for school, for teacher, for students, build green campus, wisdom campus.
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Relong HDMI DVR products listed support 8-channel D1 real-time recording

Relong RL-HD-VR-3908 DVR, using TI the latest high-performance processing chip, video compression H.264 format, supports both HDMI and VGA video output, the highest resolution video output reached 1920*1080, storage can be an external eSATA hard drive capacity. Support Tablet PC (WindowsMobile,), smart mobile phones (Blackberry,iPhone,Andriod,Symbian) monitor, can be widely used in the community, shopping malls, hotels, schools, factories, warehouses, chain, and other fields.

Distinctive advantages:

1, TI the latest high-performance processing chip. Supports 8-channel D1 real-time recording.

2, supports HDMI, VGA video output, video output high resolution up to 1920*1080.

3, supported by USBHDD video files backup, USB thumb drives, external eSATA device.

4, support TCP/IP, PPPoE, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, UPNP, NTP, SMTP and other protocols.

5, support for Super password, hardware reset.

6, support for tablet computers, smart phones (WindowsMobile,Blackberry,iPhone,Andriod,Symbian) monitoring.

7, support timed video, mobile alarm recording, alarm recording, manual recording various recording modes such as.

8, supports RS485 communication protocol.

9, support for mobile alarm, video loss alarm with alarm.
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